Концепция создания виртуального музея исторических водных путей

Roy ShirocovСтатьи

  • Авторы: Эрман Н.М., Низовцев В.А., Широкова В.А., Снытко В.А., Широков Р.С.
  • Журнал: Вестник Академии наук Чеченской Республики
  • Том: 35
  • Номер: 2
  • Год издания: 2017
  • Первая страница: 121
  • Последняя страница: 124
  • Аннотация: Museums most effectively create the conditions for the preservation and presentation of unique documentary records of historical and cultural and natural heritage of our country. A virtual museum of ancient waterways is a combination of a traditional atlas and geographic information system (GIS) and includes cartographic materials collected by the authors in field expeditions, archives and libraries, as well as vector original maps that are GIS with large databases. A virtual location of a museum allows a wide range of users to get more information about a historic waterway, its area, particular settlement, cultural and historical landscape, to determine the intensity of historical and cultural sites around the waterway, to build their own route of the waterway and take a tour at any time. The objects of the virtual museum preservation are: a combination of real natural, social, technological images and images generated in the GIS system, combining the characteristics of a print, map, computer animation and three-dimensional model with the interactive control that creates the illusion of presence in the real location and enables interaction with the user.
  • Работа выполнена в рамках проекта (проектов):Структура, функционирование и эволюция природных и природно-антропогенных геосистем (ГЗ)
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