«Martsialnyje vody» as the first health resort with mineral springs in Russia

Roy ShirocovКонференции, Статьи

  • Авторы: SOBISEVICH Alexey, Vera SHIROKOVA
  • Сборник: Book of abstracts of International Geographical Union Regional Conference «Geography, Culture and Society for Our Future Earth», 17–21 August 2015, Moscow, Russia
  • Серия: Thematic Session “Cultural Regionalism and Regional Identity”
  • Том: 3701
  • Тезисы
  • Год издания: 2015
  • Издательство: Izdatel’stvo Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta im.M.V.Lomonosova/Publishing House of Moscow State University
  • Местоположение издательства: Russian Federation
  • Первая страница: 565
  • Последняя страница: 565
  • Аннотация: Mineral waters were one of the main subjects of investigation in Russia since the 18th century. The process of mineral water research was connected with their use for drinking and therapeutic purposes. The state activity for the exploration of healing mineral waters was carried out on the initiative of Russian Emperor Peter I. He had seen such foreign mineral resorts as Spa and Carlsbad and decided to look for some national resources of healthy water. In 1714 peasant Ivan Reboev filed petition to Peter I with the offer to use the source of healing water in Olonets Province, which helped him to get rid of heart trouble. As the result in 1717 Peter I issued a decree about looking for mineral waters in Russia, which could be used to help with solving of various health problems. In 1719 mineral spring in Olonets Province was declared as healing. Soon the house for royal family and drinking gallery were built at the hydropathic, which was called «Martsialnyje vody» (Martial Waters). It was the first health resort with mineral springs in Russia. In 1720 German scientist Georg Remus compiled the first official description of that source of healing water and found out prevalence of ferric salts in its contents. After that it was decided to establish first water resort in Russia. After the death of Peter I the resort «Martsialnyje vody» was abandoned. Famous Russian poet and the governor of Olonets Province Gavriil Derzhavin (1743 – 1816) during his travel in 1785 mentioned that the source of mineral water had been blocked, when local workers tried to find iron ore there. By that time mineral waters in North Caucasus became more popular. The «Martsialnyje vody» resort›s revival happened in Soviet times, when it was open to first visitors in 1963.